Reddit より Even with my limited knowledge of the show, doesn’t this make more sense than another rein skin? byu/starkilr920 inOverwatch 【反応まとめ】 1: 2: 紙の上では良いアイデア...
Reddit より To those who said "New Heroes don't get skins because skins take xxx amount of months to develop" byu/dee1_1 inOverwatch 【反応まとめ】 1: 2: Blizzardがベンチャーの...
Reddit より Tanks should be able to see a teamates health like this, just as supports can. byu/lilcutiexoxoqoe inOverwatch 【反応まとめ】 1: 2: 本当にそう思う。 シンメトラのULTを使うタイミン...